Columbus Vehicle Wash Recycling

Construction Equipment


State of the Art Bioclassic Systems


Liquid foods such as wine, chocolate and fruit juices cause significant peak loads in wastewater and are often not adequately treated with conventional treatment technology.

The high bioavailability of the wastewater components causes uncontrollable decay processes. Odour problems, and low pH values are also present.

Our highly modular solution is the perfect solution for each individual cargo profile ensuring the cleaning results that are sufficient for the inflow of the treated water.

By using our high-performance bioreactors, the organic residual stress in the purified wastewater is also substantially below 600 mg COD/l, the usual guidance value for domestic wastewater and eliminates the cost for heavy user charges on top of the usual sewage fee.

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Higher operating pressures and temperatures in modern dishwashers causes a high degree of fat emulsification.  Off-the-shelf grease traps often do not adequately separate the fat from water.

The development of water-saving machines has resulted in significant increases in wastewater charging while the reduced wastewater leads to longer waste-water standing time (in the seperators) which promotes acidification (lowering of pH) meaning unpleasant odours form.

Our modular solution ensures

  • compliance with the required threshold values for lipophilic substances
  • Acidification of the wastewater and the formation of putrefactive odors is suppressed (even for long idling wastewater)
  • No chemical additives are needed to achieve this
  • Disposal costs associated with off-the-shelf grease traps is eliminated (almost completely) which helps the rapid amortisation of our systems.